Covim History
Covim was founded in 1991 from the merger of two old coffee toasting companies who helped spread coffee culture in Genoa in the early 1900s. Its social structure consists of five families who have operating control within the business.
Coffee toasting has its roots in the national market but also has a propensity to export. Over the years, its stake in exports abroad has progressively grown to the current 30%.
To carry out its ever-ambitious aims, Covim has continuously invested in its personnel up to today’s 70 employees. Al aspects of our plant has also grown and been enhanced over the years. The administrative and commercial headquarters are in Genoa as is the main plant 25k away which now measures 9,000m2.
Covim, which started out by concentrating on the cafés of Liguria, now presides over all the main coffee distribution channels (Hotels, Restaurants and Catering; Vending; Large-Scale Retail). In some sectors, especially in automatic dispensing, it has had the strength to establish itself at a national level.
Its annual turnover has been for years growing consistently registering €30M by the end of 2014.

ISO Certifications
Certified quality makes the difference
Covim’s attention to quality and to the environment is officially certified. We hold UNI EN ISO 9001 certification for quality management, and our production facility applies the environmental management system certified according to UNI EN ISO 14001.
Since 1999 Covim received
Agroqualità ISO 9001:2008 Certification
Since 2004 the Tribogna factory applies the environmental management
system certified according to
UNI EN ISO 14001:2004